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March 30, 2008


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Justin Stauffer

Hi Karen,

I just happened across your blog. Some very inciteful posts too!

It is not my intention to be nit-picky however there is one thing I wanted to point out and have you ponder.

Your post is about "Social Media Marketing" not "Social Marketing". A big difference, here's why...

Social Marketing focuses primarily upon bringing about changes in social norms. Examples include: Green Initiatives, Anti-Smoking Campaigns, etc.

Social Media Marketing is what you are describing. It focuses on individualized media. It includes everything from blog posts, forums and podcasts to social networks and bookmarking...

On many levels there is something much more profound in someone that attempts to change social behaviors and norms instead of someone like me that is looking to merely market to an individual.

Thought I would share!


Karen O'Brien

Hi Justin - Thank-you for making that distinction - yes, I agree with you. I have adjusted my posting and will be mindful of it going forward!

Justin Levy

Hi Karen:

This is a very interesting post and one that I think will continue to have relevance in the future.

Many large corporations are now embracing the use of social media to interact in various ways: customer-employee, employee-employee, corporation-employee, etc. One corporation which is on the front lines of this is IBM. I recently read a story posted in the New York Times about how they have even created their own internal social network. I have also read stories about internal groups at the New York Times who use Facebook as a phone directory and to communicate with one another. Also, one doesn't have to look far on Twitter to find companies who use it as a means of communication (LAFD comes immediately to mind).

Thanks for an informative and thought-provoking post!

-Justin Levy


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I liked your site, you are very interesting to write. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


I liked your site, you are very interesting to write. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! Happiness and success in 2011.


Happy New Year! The author write more I liked it.


Interesting site, always a new topic .. good luck in the new 2011. Happy New Year!


Interesting site, always a new topic .. good luck in the new 2011. Happy New Year!


Hi Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, a cool site I like

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