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October 12, 2008


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HI Karen

Interesting post. You may want to look at Ning. On the top side Ning develops a platform where anyone can create a social network unto themselves. The science behind it is called a viral expansion loop and if I tie it to business it means that Ning has built in a perpetual model of constant viral expansion from every social network it hosts.
The interesting question is how will this change traditional direct marketing? Do we lose the old school approaches of snail mail, email etc for social networks dedicated to solutions, services and to your point CEO’s.


Ray Wallace

This is an interesting article. You also have a great website.

Ray Wallace

This is an interesting article. You also have a great website.

Ray Wallace

This is an interesting article. You also have a great website.

Mark Finnern

Ha, 90% of Hoffspace members are crazy Germans ;-)

I know because I am one of them, just didn't get around to sign up yet ;-)

I think it makes total sense for celebs to do this, to connect better with their audience, Mark.

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