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September 08, 2009


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Nice post,


Thanks for bringing this up

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I am using Windows 7 64 bit version, and when I try to install iTunes, it won't let me install it. Any suggestions?

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The theme-party marketing initiative has already stirred up a good amount of buzz within the tech world.

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I'm an enthusiastic gamer myself - I've spent way too many hours on Wii and mobile games - and many MMOG's. Recently I worked with Crimson Analyst Chris Terschluse on doing research on Gaming and the use of Community and Social Media. Even if you're not a gamer, I hope you will find the the research as interesting as we do

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Marketers in regulated industries are finding it challenging to leverage the full power of social media and are awaiting guidance on Internet marketing and social media from the FDA. I've talked with a dozen + marketers over the past few months in the Healthcare industry and the possibilities of what they would like to do with social media is inspiring. I predict that once FDA gu

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As the web continues to become more open and collaborative, we inch our way towards Web 3.0. One component of the next-era web, has become more prevalent across the Internet over the past year: the so-called media-stream. The popularity of micro-blogging sites like Twitter and the integration of status updates on social networks like Facebook and MySpace, have created a constant stream of content throughout the web. The stre

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Marketers in regulated industries are finding it challenging to leverage the full power of social media and are awaiting guidance on Internet marketing and social media from the FDA.

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Thank you for all you posted and whatever you present to us! THANK YOU!!

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